St. Peter Mass Announcements for February 10 th & 11 th
St. Peter Lenten Schedule and Information
As most of you are already aware, the Easter Season is upon us and Lent will
begin this Wednesday, February 14th. Ash Wednesday Mass times are 8:00 am
and 7:00 pm and Stations of the Cross are at 6:30 pm. We begin this Lenten
Season with the marking of ashes to humble our hearts and help us to develop a
spirit of humility and sacrifice and to remind us of our humanity. This special
time in our Catholic faith is a season of penance, fasting, almsgiving and
reflection, which prepares us for the crucifixion and ultimately, the Resurrection
of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Therefore, as we begin this Lenten journey, we
have prepared an insert in the bulletin which provides a schedule for all the
Masses, Stations of the Cross, Father’s Bible Study and all other special events
planned for Lent. The insert also provides some additional information and
resources to assist in making Lent a special time in our faith journey and to help
us draw closer to Jesus. Please look for additional information and reminders
throughout Lent in the bulletin and on our website and Facebook page.
Parish Mission Presentation & Soup Supper
Fr. Sudhakar and the Faith Formation & Education Committee would like to
encourage everyone to mark your calendars and plan to attend a special Lent
Parish Mission and Soup Supper on Sunday, March 3 rd in the St. Peter School
Cafeteria. Special guest speaker Dr. Jim Schroeder of Evansville will be speaking
on the subject of “Wholiness: The Unified Pursuit of Health, Harmony, Happiness
and Heaven.” (That is Wholiness spelled with a “W”.) Dr. Schroeder is the author
of 5 books, a monthly column and several articles and has been featured in “The
Message” regarding his family’s historical pilgrimage to visit every Catholic church
in the Diocese of Evansville. The soup supper will begin at 5:30 pm and Dr.
Schroeder’s presentation will begin at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Please plan to
attend this special Lenten presentation on Sunday, March 3 rd . Additional
information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Ablaze Youth Ministry T-Shirts
St. Peter’s Ablaze Youth Ministry Peer Leaders have created a t-shirt to sell as a
fundraiser. Each t-shirt will cost $25 and all the proceeds will go to their ministry
efforts. You can find the order form, as well as a picture of the shirt in your pews.
Please turn in your order form by March 15th by either emailing it to Jami Snyder
or placing it in the collection basket at Mass! Thank you for your continued
support of St. Peter’s Ablaze Youth Ministry!
FORMED Reintroduction
In preparation for Lent, the Faith Formation & Education Committee thought it
would be a good time to reintroduce the parish to FORMED, a Catholic website
which is an incredible resource for thousands of Catholic videos, movies, study
programs, children’s programs and videos, eBooks and audio presentations. If
you are tired of today’s television programming and want to watch clean, faith-
filled movies and videos or want to learn more about your Catholic faith, then go
to Our parish has been paying for an annual subscription to the
service for the last three years and we would like to encourage everyone who has
not already done so, to check it out and take advantage of this awesome
resource, especially during Lent. There is information in the bulletin insert about
where to go and how to access the website.
Rice Bowl Project
Lent is a time of almsgiving and sacrifice, and as a parish, we have traditionally
participated in the Rice Bowl project to help fight hunger and poverty. If you or
your family would like to again participate in this charitable Lenten project, please
pick up your rice bowl at the entrances of the church. Additional information
about the project is provided in the bulletin insert.