Ablaze meets for fun activities and faith discussions monthly. We will also have holiday parties, service projects, and retreats throughout the year! We aim to use this time together to help one another find our identities in Christ, develop a relationship with Him, and discover the epic mission He is calling each of us to.
All are welcome at St. Peter’s Youth Group! No matter what creed you profess, we are all Brothers and Sisters striving together to become the young men and women that God has called us to be!
Get reminders about upcoming events by emailing Jami at jsnyder@evdio.org or following our Instagram @ablaze_youth_min.
October Youth Group Meeting!
Teen Bible Study: What are you seeking?
Between going to practice, finishing homework, and hanging out with friends, life can become so busy that even finding time to simply take a break can be exhausting.
That’s why the Teen Bible Study is designed to give you a scheduled break from the busyness of everyday life and connect with your peers on a deeper level. It allows you to take the time to pause and think about some of life’s bigger questions like…
- Who am I?
- Who do I want to be?
- What do I want out of life?
- Where is God in my daily life?
- How does God speak to me through Scripture?
- How can I tell what He is saying?
This group is open to all high school students. We will meet on the first Friday of each month at Zax’s Creamery in Montgomery! Times may vary so be sure to contact Jami at jsnyder@evdio.org to receive updates!
Youth Ministry Planning Committee
Our Youth Ministry events would not be possible without the help of our volunteer Youth Ministry Planning Committee!! Please consider joining the Youth Ministry Planning Committee to help our youth continue to grow closer to Christ!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word offers our young children the opportunity to hear the Sunday readings in a format that is understandable to their current level of thinking. If at a young age, our children can learn that the Bible scriptures are able to be used in their lives, then Christian learning can advance more easily.
St. Peter’s Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at 9:30 am Mass each Sunday (Except Easter and if Christmas is on a weekend). Mass begins as usual with the priest processing to the altar then having the opening prayer. The priest then calls forward any children ages 4-6 who would like to participate. He shares a few words about the day’s scriptures, and then blesses the children and their leaders. The group walks out the front of the church to the school building where they meet for about 25-30 minutes. Adult leaders are trained and follow Youth protection guidelines, always having at least 2 adults present. In addition to hearing the scriptures in an age appropriate manner, the children may also do activities that are related to the readings. Examples of activities include color sheets, games, singing and sharing their thoughts about what they heard.
Children are returned to Mass during or immediately after the Prayers of Petition so they can celebrate the remainder of Liturgy with their family. The children will come in the back of the church and leaders make sure the children arrive at the church pew where their family is sitting. We invite all children from age 4 up until the beginning of 2nd grade to participate. Once a child has begun preparation for the Sacrament of First Communion, they are expected to stay in church with their family members for the entire Mass instead of participating in this program. If you have any questions about Children’s Liturgy of the WORD, please call the parish office and someone from this program will return your call.
Adult volunteers for this program are always being welcomed! Once again, call the parish office and someone will contact you about your interest.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a summer time ministry of our parish. We currently use parish volunteers to plan and set up VBS. Children in pre-school through grade five for the upcoming school year are invited as participants. Youth in grade six through high school as well as adults are invited and welcomed as leaders and assistants! Contact the Parish office if you are interested in participating.
Safe Environment Program
Per the Evansville diocese guidelines, all adults who work with youth at parish events must have Youth Protection Training and a background check. Please contact Jami Snyder at jsnyder@evdio.org for training dates and times!
For more information on Youth Protection, please see the diocese website http://www.evdio.org/youth-protection.html.